Anyone Watchin the Pan Am Games?

Kendrick and Vaughnn medaled yesterday both w/ bronze Jon North and Jared Fleming are up with the 94kg guys right now in 4th and 5th place goin into the clean and jerk.

Chad looked good and ready for World’s in Paris.
Missing his first clean hurt Jared. Had to take a big jump for his third attempt.

Seems like you need 165/200 in the 94s to be in the hunt.

Jon’s 338 was 27 less than the bronze/silver.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings for the remaining lifters.

[quote]NewWorldMan wrote:
Chad looked good and ready for World’s in Paris.
Missing his first clean hurt Jared. Had to take a big jump for his third attempt.

Seems like you need 165/200 in the 94s to be in the hunt.

Jon’s 338 was 27 less than the bronze/silver.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings for the remaining lifters.[/quote]

I hope one of you guys can give a play by play tomorrow. I found a way to get past the geographic blocking but it doesn’t work at work where I need it. :frowning:

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]NewWorldMan wrote:
Chad looked good and ready for World’s in Paris.
Missing his first clean hurt Jared. Had to take a big jump for his third attempt.

Seems like you need 165/200 in the 94s to be in the hunt.

Jon’s 338 was 27 less than the bronze/silver.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings for the remaining lifters.[/quote]

I hope one of you guys can give a play by play tomorrow. I found a way to get past the geographic blocking but it doesn’t work at work where I need it. :([/quote]
Contact me and I’ll see what I can do tomorrow.


[quote]NewWorldMan wrote:

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]NewWorldMan wrote:
Chad looked good and ready for World’s in Paris.
Missing his first clean hurt Jared. Had to take a big jump for his third attempt.

Seems like you need 165/200 in the 94s to be in the hunt.

Jon’s 338 was 27 less than the bronze/silver.

Let’s see what tomorrow brings for the remaining lifters.[/quote]

I hope one of you guys can give a play by play tomorrow. I found a way to get past the geographic blocking but it doesn’t work at work where I need it. :([/quote]
Contact me and I’ll see what I can do tomorrow.


Will do!

Farris got f0cked…

Chad looked v strong on the Sn!
