I have anxiety mainly about my heart health I had an ECG years ago as played sports all was fine but since started TRT+ 7 weeks in I’ve become hypersensitive to everything every beat and odd flutter!
Hopefully will get better with time.
I have anxiety mainly about my heart health I had an ECG years ago as played sports all was fine but since started TRT+ 7 weeks in I’ve become hypersensitive to everything every beat and odd flutter!
Hopefully will get better with time.
Ya know… I may get a bit of anxiety when I first spark a bowl… but usually not… I think MY anxiety issues stem from my Low Free T… and I am really hoping that the weed is not the cause of that… because I really enjoy it… and I only smoke a very small amount nightly… it actually helps me sleep… but we all react a little differently… you are on TRT I assume… you sure your low T was not due to weed? Or did you have normal T before you began TRT and just wanted its benefits? If that is not my beeswax… I’ll understand… I am having a real hard time finding Docs who know about hormones… I have a call into Defy, but they have not returned it, so will take a pass on them… I am hoping to see another endocrinologist… the first one was a douchebag…
Never smoked. Just always had health anxiety I blame my mum who was a nurse haha.
Well I say TRT more like a low dose cycle 300mg test c.
Did have low T 8nmol range 8 to 29 was planning to blast a bit 8 weeks get some gains and cruise at TRT dose.
I can relate to the health anxiety… for me, it is darn near hypochondria… or was… I hope it can be solved by the balancing of my hormones…
I am a bit too old for a cycle, I think… almost 64… and the gyms are closed still… I wouldn’t like to even consider a cycle unless I could do the weights… I’ll just hope the TRT works out… pinned again today… hope tomorrow is not as bad as yesterday was… I do MWF pins.
Hey, wondering… as I mentioned, I have been feeling really crappy, just pinned today, finishing off my 4 weeks… did you have start up problems, feeling crappy too? If so… how long before you felt better? Getting some minor palpitations… I hate those things!
Mostly just woozy, like a allergy attack, brain fog… feeling like I have a bad body flu… (not COVID!)… I’ll probably give it another month, if the sick feelings don’t get worse… then bail if not feeling better…
Id say give it at least 8 weeks. What you’re going through most of us went through. Your body goes through the transition and then you have to dial it in. I got past the hot flashes and feeling depressed after 8-10 weeks but it took me years to dial it in as best I could to find the best dose and protocol. I still struggle with head in the clouds and memory issues. Those may be unrelated.
I’m sort of starting to think that this is not worth it… you still have brain fog and memory issues after years? Jeeze… I am thinking I could probably get my Free t up some by taking at least 10mg boron daily… and MAYBE stopping/reducing the weed smoking to maybe just the weekends… I have had low libido for so long it is no biggie… the weed spikes it pretty well… motivation is low too, but I am retired and pretty well set financially… so that is not the end of the world either…I also really enjoyed a 8oz glass of red wine daily… so…
Doing TRT and feeling sick… or maybe just sort of sick for years… vs enjoying a glass of red at lunch and my nightly bowl? Hmmmmm…
Thx for the help though!
Keep in mind I was a daily drinker (4-8+) for 20 years and most likely have been hypogonadal my entire life. I might have been having these issues prior to TRT but given the cycle of alcohol recovery its tough to tell.
Do yourself a favor and give it 3 months even including the weed and wine and see how you feel. Personally I wouldn’t go back for anything. I may only be at 85% but I had lived my life at 30%.
Sure appreciate the help… but feeling crappy for another 9 weeks, maybe more? I just finished week 4… and feel zero benefits… only negatives. maybe this comes from feeling lousy now… but I wasn’t feeling that bad before… yes, low libido and motivation, but not that bad… libido spikes with weed were nice… worked out pretty hard 3-4x/week before the dang COVID closed the gyms…
My thinking is… my total T is around 500… not bad for 64… so… the really lousy FREE T must be due to the total T being impaired… shouldn’t I try removing the impairments first to see if I could at least bring my Free T to around normal, say 15 or so… heck, 3X the current, I’d feel great, I would think… both my estradiol and SHBG are on the high side, which may be what is lowering my Free T… Clomid probably would work, but I read it is short term. Boron sounds promising… maybe up the Zinc too…
And… getting to be an old man… the TRT cancer, blood clot and heart risks are more concerning than if I was 30-40… and I wonder if stopping at 8 weeks would be more of a problem than stopping now. ???
Either way you will be shut down and have to recover now or in 4 more weeks but you will have to go through this again if you decide to come back to TRT. Your choice though sir. There is no TRT cancer, blood clots, or heart risks.
The weed and the alcohol is not going to impact your T if youre are injecting it. I think that you should stay the course and get past the hump. Youre shutting down natural production, so I would bump up the dose to 120mg by week 12. Dont worry, its T and your body knows what to do with it. Youre feeling slow and crappy because of the transition. But you will feel good.
thanks, but I have quit after 4 weeks on the same dosage with no effects… had a disagreement with a UroDoc who was a jerk… so I had to stop…
I think that obviously, hematocrit increases are a risk, even if dealt with by donating blood… so is increased prostate cancer risk… maybe minimal if T levels are low in the first place… I am hoping to hook up with a decent endocrine Doc soon… a big problem is that the Docs I have seen just are lacking in competence… I think you guys here know far more than most Docs… they just don’t do enough (or any) research on it…
If I feel better tomorrow after pinning today… I might hang on for a bit… sure would like to see some benefits… sure felt like crap day after pinning last time (Wed).
UPDATE: hey, I feel pretty darn good today, pinned yesterday… so maybe it was the grass… or I am getting over the hump!
This is actually not a risk, it’s a bigger risk with low T.
Try an age management doc, usually out of pocket but worth a shot
Yes, I’ve read that… worrisome for sure… I think stroke risk is elevated on both high and low T also… jeeze…
Wish I had a Doc that knew his stuff… Defy got abc to me… said they would charge $200-$300/month for meds… I pay $14/month for my T Cip… 100mg/wk. I tried Arimidex… made me sick as a dog… at 1mg/week (way too high of a start dose I think) I have read where many do not recommend AI’s of any kind… HCG? Probably not for me… maybe… still… seems high… those 3 meds for $300/month? Hmmmmm… I can afford it, but don’t like getting bent over… I thought I saw that HCG would soon not be sold…
I would like to do all their blood tests, $279 is not bad… but they didn’t like my idea of trying to get my Doc to order them and see if insurance would cover… not sure why… but they seem to have a decent rep…
A lot to think about…
My doc said the same thing about hcg, said FDA is about to crack down
Yes, but I’ve always been anxious. Recently started an AD to manage it, sick of losing part of my life to anxiety.
Being cooped up inside with no gym and worrying about ballooning up and all that is definitely not helping any of us. Just try to make the best of it little by little - I found a makeshift “gym” in the park by me and that’s helped me feel a lot better. Been working on getting my exercise routine back in check and that alone makes me less anxious. Remember, anyone who’s telling you their life is perfect right now and is “killing it” is more than likely lying. It’s a tough time for everyone.
Good advice… I can handle the expense, but we only have two here in Tucson, one is a NP, not an MD… the other is not taking new patients… but I feel good today, after pinning yesterday… so maybe I am getting over the hump…
I have had anxiety issues for a long time too… maybe hypogonadal for 30+ years… Be careful of SSRI’s… they have lots of side effects, anxiety is one of them… they generally work… but can turn a guy into a zombie, and usually kill the libido… I use L-Theanine… works pretty well, and have Xanax for the real bad times… but have to be careful with that stuff… hard to get a script for it nowadays too… GL to you!
Oh I hear you - I hate benzos. Way too addicting and I hate feeling like a space cadet.
Not a fan of SSRIs either - specifically on an MAOI because in my experience, they just fucking work. The diet was never a huge issue either.