Anti-E On Cycle

I’ve been getting Mexican shit (test and reforvit) for years and recently found a great supplier. I plan on Tren and Masteron 100mg eod of each for 10 weeks with 50 mg dbol for the first 6 weeks. I will be using AR’s PCT.

Heres my question: What about anti-e’s during the cycle? Theres a lot of conflicting info about masterons anti-e properties and wanted to know what you guys think.

trenbolone does not aromatize, therefore exhibits little to no estrogenic activity.

tren/mast/d-bol…no anti-e needed for that cycle bro.

All pretty true. Only thing I’d like to point out is that’s a long time to run tren IMO, but thats just me.

[quote]WideGuy wrote:
All pretty true. Only thing I’d like to point out is that’s a long time to run tren IMO, but thats just me. [/quote]

I think that’s all a matter of preference, WG. I am on a 14 weeker right now with prop and tren, and I am loving it.

[quote]ghump wrote:
I’ve been getting Mexican shit (test and reforvit) for years and recently found a great supplier. I plan on Tren and Masteron 100mg eod of each for 10 weeks with 50 mg dbol for the first 6 weeks. I will be using AR’s PCT.

Heres my question: What about anti-e’s during the cycle? Theres a lot of conflicting info about masterons anti-e properties and wanted to know what you guys think.


Trenbolone use can create prolactin side effects, which require dostinex or bromocriptine.


[quote]ag-guys wrote:
ghump wrote:
I’ve been getting Mexican shit (test and reforvit) for years and recently found a great supplier. I plan on Tren and Masteron 100mg eod of each for 10 weeks with 50 mg dbol for the first 6 weeks. I will be using AR’s PCT.

Heres my question: What about anti-e’s during the cycle? Theres a lot of conflicting info about masterons anti-e properties and wanted to know what you guys think.


Trenbolone use can create prolactin side effects, which require dostinex or bromocriptine.


It can also be mitigated by simply increasing your B-6 intake, and saving a bunch of money in the process.

Since you would be using steroids that do not aromatize, and have little to no estrogenic activity, the build up of any prolactin would probably be a non-issue, as estrogen plays a stimulatory role in increasing prolactin secretion.

But I could be wrong.

Thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate that responses!