American cars

Fitone, that 180 will be in a year and a half when I graduate. Right now I’m only about 120 in. It’s kind of hard to pay off loans when you have to pay 45 grand a year for school and don’t get paid. At least I’ll be making 10 bucks an hour as a resident when I graduate. Sweet.

I’m rocking a 93 Buick Lesabre with 40K miles. It’s a real panty-dropper.

So nate dogg is a “ricer”… who would’ve guessed it…:stuck_out_tongue:

Best car I ever had (in terms of maintenance/operating costs/reliability) was a 1988 mercury grand marquis. Had 250k on it when I sold it and hardly replaced/rebuilt anything in that car (stock drivetrain still). I would go years and touch nothing but the oil on that car, was a true gem. Now it resides in mexico, proudly shuttling illegal labor back here every summer…lol

I would agree honda accords are damn fine, so are lexus and other toyotas. And I would agree that late model malibus suck, along with cavaliers.

Truly I still believe most repetitive car problems (like the alternator dying 4 times) are a result of bad techs working on them. Some shops are run by guys who are too pushy on time/part sales, and thus dont bother to truly diagnose faults, they just slap in new parts and hope the customer doesnt return if it breaks. That is one of the main reasons I removed myself from the repair industry. Mix that along with owners who fail to explain reality and/or customers who expect falsely and it’s just not fun for me.

Anyway, I firmly believe not all cars are made for all owners. Some models of cars are just not good for certain duties, and some are just made shitty. Pretty much like most things in that regard.