Alex_uk: I've got more, time to give more

I think you’ll have some fun with the Meadows program especially if you get bored easy and like variation! It’s a lot of volume and very high intensity, but that’s why I love it!

@simo74 i loved Driver as a kid but could never beat that opening level in the garage, so I stuck to doing the free play drives! I was a lot better at the Gameboy Color port, which was actually really good and a bit more accessible for a kid to get into the mission based gameplay.


The game levels /challenges were really good but it wasn’t the easiest. I remember there being a level later where you needed to steal something from a building but when you went on you basically got gassed. It was pretty much impossible to get through unless you had full health. Thats when I switched to a cheat code that gave me permanent full health. LOL


Just realised I had two games mixed into one. Driver had that nightmare first level where you had to do burn outs and hand brake turns in the car park. This was a nightmare.

The other game I was thinking of was called ‘The Getaway’.

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I ran the original 5/3/1 on an off for years, not really someone who gets bored and needs variety, but on the flip side variety doesn’t phase me, I’ve mixed up the exercises on Tried and Tested over the weeks and actually now I’m typing and thinking about, maybe that’s what made it work for me this time, only two main lifts stayed the same, flat bench and ohp, almost all the accessories switched over the weeks… Hmm might be a really good thing!

Thinking of starting with reactive pump hypertrophy, mostly because it’s free and whilst I have, and am happy to again, pay for good coaches and programs I’m keen to see how I gel with his programming, if I can run the full thing I’ll most certainly pay for another of his programs.


It’s a great program and a really fair look at Meadows’ stuff. It’s pretty much always what I’d recommend someone trying out his work


Resident Evil 2 was my go-to scary PS1 game


From memory, that the one that’d starts in a police station? Probably one of, if not the first horror games I ever played. Actually no that would be doom, but the first 3d one, funny enough not a genre that I love, but there are some classics in there for sure!

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Awesome, thanks. I’ll have to make some tweaks to make some of the exercise choices garage gym friendly, but sure I can keep it close and definitely get the spirit of it!

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Yeah, that is the one. Was never really my thing either, but that one stood out. And since we are being nerdy, I can admit here that they have made a modern remake of that game and I own a sophisticated Virtual Reality setup and have played that modern version in first-person VR. It is…and terrifying and amazing experience.

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Haha awesome, I’ve got a PS VR, haven’t downloaded any horrors on it, but RE2 might be a blast from the past!

Mind you computer games are becoming like my books, oh that looks good I’ll buy that, 5 years later there’s just a collection of games I think I’ll play one day!

T&T w8 D3

Ohp: 20, 40, 50, 60kg X some, 70kg x 4, 3, 3, 4

3 mins rest

Came into this feeling a lot of fatigue from the deads yesterday, particularly in traps and upper back, really should have stuck at 67.5kg but honestly couldn’t be bothered with the plate faff, still pretty pleased with the performance and effort - nearly blacked out on 4th rep of 4th set.

Cable lat raise: 15kg x 8 x 4 sets

90 sec rest

Little bit of weight massive difference - probably should have gone 12.5kg ah well.

Rope upright row: 35, 45, 55kg x 12

45 sec rest

Dips: bw, 10, 20kg X some 30kg x 10 x 4

90 secs rest

Hard but doable, interesting after reading @Andrewgen_Receptors saying about just putting 45s on, just getting reps by any means (probably a bad paraphrase) I thought I’d go up again this week, and keep pushing until I find the limit!

DB OH Ex: 10kg x 12 X 3 sets

90 sec rest

Slow and form focused (and didn’t have much left in the tank here anyway!)

Rope pull down: 45kg x 12 X 3 sets

45 sec rest

Good session. Morning weight 210.25, heaviest reading for a while, but foods been off today, hob broke at breakfast (every year just before Christmas a car goes wrong and a household appliance breaks) spent till lunch sorting it (sourcing and installing a new hob), so only ate 3 pieces of bacon for breakfast, lunch was the usual bacon, eggs, beans.


Food - cutting junk carbs means I eat less carbs overall (shocker), but not because I’m intentionally trying to lower carbs, but because healthy carbs take prep time, time I don’t have or don’t want to dedicate to cooking, my meals have become less recognisable as “meals” from an average person perspective. Breakfast this morning:

6 eggs, 1 chicken breast, peas and onions - just thrown in a pan.

Previously this would have been scrambled egg on toast, I’ve not eaten a slice of bread in 2 months, not missing bread, I’ll see what the blood results say before considering whether it returns after the 3 month mark.

Talked about not eating sugar the other day with someone, got the guaranteed response “how do you feel” - no difference whatsoever, but that’s not exactly the point is it. What is the point? Improved long-term health as measured through biomarkers…I hope (I mean if not I’ll just go back to eating all the sugar!)

Anyway that’s my random food ramble for the day, mainly to say that my relationship with food is changing and that’s probably a good thing (if not slightly boring and a bit too grown up for my liking - middle age is creeping up fast).


You look absolutely fearsome.


But he’s still a bit of a bitch.


Do you mind me asking what the thinking is behind this set up ?

Thanks, that’s definitely a good look now the daughter is getting to boyfriend age!

I’m working on overtaking you, will this still apply once I’ve done that? … Probably, nobody gets kudos for beating an old man.

It’s something I picked up from a Tnation article years ago that I’d not really thought of using until this programme, deads don’t really hit my back, for me it’s more of a hamstring exercise, but I wanted to keep them in the loop so I didn’t lose strength on them. This variety means you’re counteracting a band pulling horizontally and having to engage your lats significantly more (got some upper & mid back DOMs as well) so really places additional emphasis on the back.

Only been a few weeks but I really rate it, it’ll be interesting to see what a standard deadlift feels like when I return to it, in my mind it’ll feel easier having spent a while fighting the bar that’s pulling me forward and down.


On what? I imagine you have already done so on a few things. Unimportant things to be sure, but still.

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Pretty much everything, I’d imagine we’re similar in dead and squat, pressing both bench and overhead is where you’ve got me beat.

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It looked from the video that it was almost making you hitch the lift. If it’s meant as a muscle builder then all good, play on.

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Pretty sure that’s just my terrible deadlift form, not necessarily the band, but yea primarily hypertrophy focused.