I know that by the title of this thread most of you are telling yourselves,“oh no not one of these again”.
well I just thought this was the best place to post this.
Well anyways I need a little advice
first a little background please bear with me.
5 years ago I was in decent shape worked out all the time and was working physical labor in warehouses because I loved to lift things
at that time I was about 218 and lower double digit bf I would guess around 15% at the most.
a buddy I worked and lifted with, who worked as a Logger in the off season introduced me to Deca.
I did a deca only cycle and stupidly did it without any pct or any real research for that fact.
besides the sides I had with Ed the cycle worked great however,towards the end of my cycle I broke my wrist at work and needed a bone graft to repair it.
arm casted,sex drive gone,out of work,mood swings,blah blah anyways it was a downward spiral that resulted in very rapid fat gain as in a mater of months ,and almost 2 years of symptoms,(very low sex drive unstable mood for the most part thats what i remember anyways)
fast forward to now I feel almost back to normal besides now being 290 and 30% bf,from shear laziness.
I do have a case of gyno not real bad but I think its from being so damned fat now.
I am taking drastic measures to get back to my old self as far is returning to lifting and cardio and dieting.
now my question.
I know that I was shut down very badly after the cycle and then the injury and me gaining weight didnt help matters.
I still have a lower sex drive but that is getting back to normal.
I am going in to get blood work done and I need opinions of what panels I should have the doc pull to make sure I am back to normal.
I know most times you have to ask for specific tests they dont just automaticlly do all of them.
I assume that after all this time I should be fine but again from being so fat,I believe I still have a problem with low test. I just want to get back to normal the depression is gone as far as I can tell so all I have to do is diet down and get back to normal.
I stil have plenty of muscle its just theres so much fat over it now.
Thanks guys and sorry for the reambling post.
oh and incase of confusion
I did the cycle for 12 weeks starting in june 2003 and injured myself and started all this crap in sept. 2003
oh and I was 24 at the time and I am 29 now
Are you happy to relate that whole story to your doctor? They would then advise what it best.
I am thinking you would want your test levels done, also you should get tested for gyno just in case, although I am not sure if this is done via blood tests, might involve a physical.
If you are concerened about your weight it ia always good to keep an eye on cholesterol, and maybe get your liver function checked too.
I am quite sure that after 2 years the negative effects of the cycle you did would have now dissapated and you should be back to your own normal levels. Your low mood (dare I say depression) may have been triggered by crashing your own personal test levels, but although the test levels should have resolved themselves by now, you seem to have got into a bad spiral of low mood and lazyiness that you now blame on low test levels, where you might have actually just have a motivational issue that needs to be addressed.
[quote]Electric_E wrote:
Not 100% sure what you should have done.
Are you happy to relate that whole story to your doctor? They would then advise what it best.
I am thinking you would want your test levels done, also you should get tested for gyno just in case, although I am not sure if this is done via blood tests, might involve a physical.
If you are concerened about your weight it ia always good to keep an eye on cholesterol, and maybe get your liver function checked too.
I am quite sure that after 2 years the negative effects of the cycle you did would have now dissapated and you should be back to your own normal levels. Your low mood (dare I say depression) may have been triggered by crashing your own personal test levels, but although the test levels should have resolved themselves by now, you seem to have got into a bad spiral of low mood and lazyiness that you now blame on low test levels, where you might have actually just have a motivational issue that needs to be addressed.
let us know how you get on at the docs dude[/quote]
I totally agree with you 100%
I did crash and started being lazy then depressed then lazy some more and it got worse from there
I was not happy telling the doc when I was injured that I was on a cycle to begin with but your right maybye now is the time to get past that and speak up.
thank you very much that is what I was looking for
I do feel almost normal just pissed that I allowed myself to get out of control like this
thank you for the response
IMO, These are just a few that seem to need checking in lieu of your description. Most of these they in some way have an effect on you. Also, maybe you should have your BP and blood sugar level checked. Im not certain about these, just my opinion.