Adex: Safe Parameters, Dosage, Time

FYI regarding b-6!! There is an upper limit to what your body can tolerate. I am almost 100% sure that b-6 can be toxic. Check it out.

The temper thing from Adex I basically got from different personal testomonials so dont take that as fact. As for Aromasin, I thought too it was a AI in the same category as Adex, but it seems it’s better suited for PCT.

Letro is known as a harsh AI drug but if you really are that sensible to E maybe it could be a good choice for you.

[quote]MasterfulStroke wrote:
FYI regarding b-6!! There is an upper limit to what your body can tolerate. I am almost 100% sure that b-6 can be toxic. Check it out.[/quote]


[quote]MasterfulStroke wrote:
FYI regarding b-6!! There is an upper limit to what your body can tolerate. I am almost 100% sure that b-6 can be toxic. Check it out.[/quote]

Ok guys, from what I’ve googled up and all, it looks like the US established upper limit for B6 is 100mg/day.

In contrast the recommended dose for prolactin induced gyno is 200mg X 3/day. Hmmmm…It looks like it can cause pretty hefty nerve damage, and then there are those who say 5-7 days at this is ok, and reversible for sides.

               anyone else know more?

Looks like from another thread that Rainjack suggested a dose of 240mg/day, and that he used 480 w/out incident on his first tren cycle. He said that headaches could come with the higher dose I believe.

As long as it’s properly dosed, I can’t really see you needing more than 0.5mg ed. Let us know it goes Tone.

Good stuff, Tone, thanks for the B6 research and info. I remember RJ saying that as well.

[quote]chillain wrote:
As long as it’s properly dosed, I can’t really see you needing more than 0.5mg ed. Let us know it goes Tone.


        Hey Chilly,

thanks man, definitely better to just get a bottle that’s on the money, lol. Good to hear from you always. So you getting ready to start your new one soon? Curious.

[quote]Cortes wrote:
Good stuff, Tone, thanks for the B6 research and info. I remember RJ saying that as well.[/quote]

      Yeah, I haven't seen too much on this subject, there was a bit from the search engine on tnation but limited. Looks like I'll go with RJ's lower recomendation, probably between 100-200 range per day unless a problem arises. There is DEFINITELY research saying specifically to watch out for real and serious nerve damage at high end dosing, so I'll opt for the 100-200/day like I said, unless there are issues to deal with. Then I would probably go no higher than 300-400 for a very limited timeframe, as in the 5-7 days period. In the mean I would have to scurry up some bromo I suppose as the caber is out of this world in price.
