hi there, well i have some questions, first i’ve been training since last year, my current maxes are:
and now i’m on a strength routine, (dinosaur style) i lift 4 times a week, but i have some overweight, like 20 kg, my question is can i still training and in my off days do some cardio?, i just adquired a power rack (i think i have the only one in my state) and doing some stuff like
Dadlift - work up to a 1-3 RM
BB row- 5x5
Negative chins-2x failure
BB curl- 5x5
some grip work
Bench Press- work up to a 1-3 RM
Incline bench press- 5x5
BB Military press- 5x5
Close grip bench press-5x5
some forearm work
Squat- work up to a 1-3 RM
Good mornings- 5x5
Stiff Lgleg deadlift- 5x5
Floor glute ham raise- 3x failure
some grip and ab work
sunday i start the cycle again.
what do you think?,i’m trying to up my maxes, as i’ve been stucked for a while, my goals short term goals are:
Bench 120k
Deadlift: 200k
any help will be greatly apreciatted, sorry for my bad english, i’m from mexicoand here there are no lifters to helpme