I’ll be 40 this year and I’m seeing already some of the negatives of my age. With some short breaks I’m training for almost 20 years. Before when I hit a plateau I always managed to brake it, but now it doesn’t work anymore. The recovery time and hypertrophy are getting worse. You get my point.
I’m looking for a short AAS cycle, which will boost my training and give me some freshness.
The excellent guides here and discussions are mainly targeted at age groups, which does not have problems to restore the natural T production.
In all my research here, PubMed and all other resources only two groups are used athletes or elderly men.
Only William Llewellyn suggests that Turinabol should be used by older athletes.
What would be a good cycle for somebody at 40 (no AAS use before), which will not damage my already declining natural T production and produce some moderate results. I would rather favor some short cycles I have seen here discussed.
You are probably a good candidate for TRT. Check out “The Over 35 Lifter” forum. There are many like you there and great advice.
I’ve been following “the over 35 lifter” for a long time, but my bloodwork shows very good T levels for my age. At this moment I don’t see any reason (and I don’t want to) for TRT. If this would be the only advice, then I’ll accept I’ve reached my natural limits (185kg bench, 215 kg squat)
There is no secret formula for a 40 year old. Hell, I’ll be 48 in July and good old testosterone works great for me.
Try 500mg/w test E for 8 weeks.
Use Adex starting at 0.25mg/d and adjust according to how your E2 level reacts (manifested by any E2 side effects).
The best way to see how that suits you is to simply do it. My guess is if you get good gear (there’s a lot of crap out there) your in for some of the most pleasant weeks you’ve had in a long time.
That said, it would be wise to get a bood work run and ensure that your PSA is not elevated for starters.
Then you need a decent PCT after your cycle to recover without negative effects.
Nolva 40/40/20/20 starting at week 11 if you run an 8 week test e cycle.
[quote]unscarred wrote:
I’ll be 40 this year and I’m seeing already some of the negatives of my age. With some short breaks I’m training for almost 20 years. Before when I hit a plateau I always managed to brake it, but now it doesn’t work anymore. The recovery time and hypertrophy are getting worse. You get my point.
I’m looking for a short AAS cycle, which will boost my training and give me some freshness.
The excellent guides here and discussions are mainly targeted at age groups, which does not have problems to restore the natural T production.
In all my research here, PubMed and all other resources only two groups are used athletes or elderly men.
Only William Llewellyn suggests that Turinabol should be used by older athletes.
What would be a good cycle for somebody at 40 (no AAS use before), which will not damage my already declining natural T production and produce some moderate results. I would rather favor some short cycles I have seen here discussed.
I am 39 and had felt the way you do in the begining. I wonder how long have you been training on you recent comeback. I rarely feel much soreness anymore. I think its important to stay steady on course. The only time I get sore is when my schedule keeps me for working out. If I miss legs for 10 days, I KNOW I will be hurting for the next two days and will need 3 days recovery at least. I do what ever I can to stay on schedule so I dont get sore. Only injuries have kept me from plateaus. In three years I have not went more than 2 weeks without a gain in strength. At our age personally I think we are actually powerful enough to injure ourselves. I find it hard not to make use of the gains in strength I make, but more often than not I get a injury that keeps me down for a few weeks. I wish I could teach myself to take it slower and steady. My interest in AAS is in building muscle to strengthen or shield me more from injuries. You know some meat that can handle heavy weight at our age. So if you are just a few months into this, the pain and plateaus should stop if you stick with it.
[quote]IKIMURA wrote:
unscarred wrote:
I’ll be 40 this year and I’m seeing already some of the negatives of my age. With some short breaks I’m training for almost 20 years. Before when I hit a plateau I always managed to brake it, but now it doesn’t work anymore. The recovery time and hypertrophy are getting worse. You get my point.
I’m looking for a short AAS cycle, which will boost my training and give me some freshness.
The excellent guides here and discussions are mainly targeted at age groups, which does not have problems to restore the natural T production.
In all my research here, PubMed and all other resources only two groups are used athletes or elderly men.
Only William Llewellyn suggests that Turinabol should be used by older athletes.
What would be a good cycle for somebody at 40 (no AAS use before), which will not damage my already declining natural T production and produce some moderate results. I would rather favor some short cycles I have seen here discussed.
I am 39 and had felt the way you do in the begining. I wonder how long have you been training on you recent comeback. I rarely feel much soreness anymore. I think its important to stay steady on course. The only time I get sore is when my schedule keeps me for working out. If I miss legs for 10 days, I KNOW I will be hurting for the next two days and will need 3 days recovery at least. I do what ever I can to stay on schedule so I dont get sore. Only injuries have kept me from plateaus. In three years I have not went more than 2 weeks without a gain in strength. At our age personally I think we are actually powerful enough to injure ourselves.
I turned 40 relatively recently and it was no big thing. Just a number… not unlike debt But anyway, I have the same experience as you with respect to the rarity of soreness. On those sporadic occasions when I do get DOMS though, it sets in ~30 hrs later, rather than the 48 hrs or so later that it did when I was a bit younger.
Injuries definitely increase with age unless one starts to gradually adjust rep ranges and rotate exercises wisely. Ligaments degrade over time, so there’s less room for error.
OP -
Cycling is no big deal provided you’re in good health and are able to train hard & eat well. Test is the best as DH advised. There are some mild orals, but I’d definitely go with the test.
For older guys, I think health is a top priority. Orals throw your lipid profile out of whack. Watch out for any high BP too. I’d say stay away from orals, winstrol, 19 nor, and boldenone.
Shortish test only cycles with peptides would be great. If you can find real, high quality primobolan, it would be a great addition too.
week 1-2 test suspension 50mg/day
week 1-2 aromasin 12.5mg/day (start AI a couple of days early)
week 1-4 IGF-1 40 mcg/day (optional)
week 3-5 nolvadex 20/20/10mg
week 1-4 test propionate 70mg/day
week 1-4.5 aromasin 12.5mg/day
week 1-8 HGH 6iu eod IM or IV admin (optional)
week 5-8 nolvadex 20/20/10/10mg
week 1-8 primobolan depot 600mg/ week
week 3-8 HCG 250 iu twice per week
week 11-14 nolvadex 20/20/10/10mg
optional peptides
week 1-4 IGF-1 40mcg/day
week 9-12 IGF-1 40mcg/day
week 3-14 HGH 6iu EOD IM or IV admin
If you do a coupld of short test+hgh stack, I think it will break your plateau. open up some new cells for growth.
This is my opinion. If you are not getting sore after lifting you are not exercising with enough intensity. I think this is especially true after 40.
It also depends on your definition of sore. Is soreness defined as the muscle group aching? Is it defined as aching to the touch? Is it defined as barely being able to walk?
I am currently doing HSS-100 as described here on T-Nation. I can tell you that each muscle group is sore after every workout.
Increase your intensity (i.e., you should grunting from the effort on the last 3 or 4 reps) and you will get sore, guaranteed.