A Little Help Interpreting Blood Tests?

E2 near E2=22pg/ml would allow for better fat profiling. You could try Arimidex/anastrozole 0.5mg/week in divided doses. But what doctor would Rx that?

Also need free testosterone tested as TT can sometimes be misleading.

TSH should be closer to 1.0
T3, T4, fT3, fT3 should be mid-range or a bit higher.
fT3 is the active hormone and is low.
Thyroid function can be low from not using iodized salt - long term.
Check overall thyroid function by checking oral body temperatures as per the thyroid basics sticky found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman

TSH=3.1 is a big issue.

Are your outer eyebrows sparse?
Feeling cold easier?

As long as you are seeking to be optimal, take 5,000iu Vit-D3 and take a multi-vit that has iodine+selenium as well as other trace elements.

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