Triceps work - 100 reps (JM press, kettlebell extensions)
Upper Back work - 200 reps ( BB row, DM row, Hammer machine, Lat pulldowns)
I will be doing only 3x10 for assistance rather than 5x10 because it feels better to me. I can maintain good form better and weight progression is easier.
DB bench press 2 sets for as many reps as possible
Triceps KTB extensions 2 sets for as many reps as possible
Upper back work - kroc rows, upright rows, band holds
I will continue to do 3 sets of 10 on the main exercise as a assistance and the rest of the work will not be planned. I feel that it better to do assistance as I feel like I can do on that given day. It gives me the flexibility to do it right when I have the strength and cut it when I feel like trash ( not enough sleep etc.). I will try to have a constant upper back work on upper body days and ab work on lower. I have avoided that in the past and I will like to see where will this lead me :).
From this week I will use different training maxes and some different weights because I now have access to 1.25 kg plates. I hope this will help me progress more easily from cycle to cycle. I will try to do 3x10 of main exercise after my 5/3/1 sets because it helps me work on my technique and makes me stronger ( I hope). Another thing I am adding is pullups between each pressing set (except 5/3/1) on press days and chin ups on bench days. I am so weak on these so I hope this will help me. (weak everywhere for that matter, but one thing at a time).
So today was the Press.
5x40 kg
5x45 kg
6x50 kg
3x10 37,5 kg - last few reps were damm hard
2 Pullups between each set
Close grip Bench Press
3x10 40 kg
2 Pullups between each set
Barbell Row
3x10 50 kg - I will be doing these with overhand grip, It makes more sense to me because that’s the grip I use for deadlifting - don’t know if this is good so if someone has advice on this I’m all ears
Barbell curls
3x10 30 kg - did light weight 20+ repetitons of lat pulldowns between sets
Prowler - this was my first time doing it and boy was it a eye opener. I felt so exhausted and this showed me that I need to work on my conditioning. I will start doing it after my lower body workouts for a month and then il add it as conditioning 3 times a week when I am not in the gym.
Felt like shit today. I feel like I am moving nowhere for at least 2 months with my training. Did a ton of work to find and restore my old log off my computer. Read through it and saw that I only did periodization bible assistance. So I will do my squat workout today. I won’t finish this cycle. I’ll take a deload week. Start with lower maxes and work my way up again with a proven assistance template for me. I deviated from the purpose of this program and it punished me like a little b****. It will be a step back, but I hope I can then make two step forward because of that. I also been skimping on my conditioning and my mobility so that will be a priority too. Nothing hard. Just a little running on my days off and some drils for mobility every evening. I need to take small steps. Cya guys in one week.
Ha ha! Training day finally. My girlfriend caught some virus and it nearly scratched me but my stomach of steel is unbeatable (just a few trips to toilet). I lowered my maxes ( one step back, two steps forward, or something like that).So here is todays workout.
5x35 kg
5x40 kg
5x47,5 kg
Dips, Lat pulldowns, CG Bench Press - all 5x10-15 reps - when I get all 15 on all 5 sets I’ll increase the weight
BB Biceps curls 3x10
Pull ups between pressing sets
5x57,5 kg
5x67,5 kg
5x75 kg
1x80 kg
1x90 kg
1x100 kg - I waited for the rack to free itself for 30 minutes, so when I got to squat I just went at it. worst thing in the world, waiting to squat damm