Time for my 3rd cycle. I’ve done two basic 500mg/week Test E cycles, both for 10 weeks. Went great, time to turn things up a bit and just wanted to get any feedback on my next cycle.
190 lbs
12% BF
Bench: 365
Squat: 455
DL: 455
Training is on point, doing a basic BB style routine.
Current Diet consists of 3600 calories on training days, 400g carbs, 270g protein, 100g fat. Non-training days I just drop the carbs and end up around 2200 calories. During the proposed cycle I’ll probably bump carbs up to 500g a day and protein to 300+g a day, 4000 calories or so a day.
Proposed cycle
Wk 1-10 Test Prop, 200mg per week.
Wk 1-10 Tren Ace, 750mg per week.
Suggestions as to whether I should pin ED or EOD? Will EOD injects really cause levels to fluctuate that much? I’d prefer EOD injections for multiple reasons.
Wk 1-10 Adex, .5mg EOD
I’ll start Nolva 3 days after my last injection, at 40/40/20/20 protocol
Looks good to me, if this is your first time with tren you will probably enjoy it.
ED injections IMO are better, but tren gives me mood swings so I tend to do ED and avoid higher doses, but you can get away with EOD injects. I wouldnt go further than that however.
Some of the things to expect on tren are a decrease in cardiovascular capabilities and night sweats. Gonna be breathing heavy and sleeping light. I also have a hard time coming to climax but you got some caber in there so you should be gtg.
Be prepared to temporarily add a good 15-20% on those maxes.
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
ive run high tren low test, wasn’t a big fat at all[/quote]
Yea, I read your old log (from like 2011) from your run of high tren low test. I think you were at more like 200mg/wk of test, and something like 1500mg/wk of tren. Do you mind elaborating why you’re not a fan?
[quote]Mr. Walkway wrote:
ive run high tren low test, wasn’t a big fat at all[/quote]
Yea, I read your old log (from like 2011) from your run of high tren low test. I think you were at more like 200mg/wk of test, and something like 1500mg/wk of tren. Do you mind elaborating why you’re not a fan?[/quote]
the gear was decent, I got pretty damn strong… deadlifted 585 double overhand straps and did flat dumbbell press 150lbs x6 but I did not look as strong as I was…
high test definitely makes u look more full and it’s cheaper and gives far less sides…
Really? I’ve read a lot of good times about high tren/low test from this forum. I thought it was loved by most or I wouldn’t have tried it. First time I did it I felt horrible so I stopped pretty quickly. In hindsight I think it’s because of previous test injections I was in fact on high test and high tren.
This cycle, I just did my last shot today (snif), was high tren E (well around 600mg a week) + 200mg of test, sometimes adding Anadrol+Winny. Very few sides, good energy. I liked it until these last weeks where I felt more lethargic, but it might not be the gear.
And maybe it’s because I train MMA and have great cardio, but I’ve never noticed Tren killing my cardio. As I get more muscular endurance from it, it actually improves my stamina. Sex is awesome… except I can have a hard time reaching orgasm and “semen production” is not porn star quality.
[quote]jimz12 wrote:
im running the same thing but with 300mg masteron 80 mg winny and clen doing a show in nov. you will love this cycle.[/quote]
Is this the cycle you use during your contest prep? What duration if you don’t mind me asking.
1-8 tren 700mg
1-8 test p 150mgeod
3-8 masteron 300mg
winny 1-8 80mg ed
and yes ai as well
Also do you only prepare for 8 weeks or is this just you during the last 8 weeks?
You don’t have to share if you don’t want to but I’m interested in examples of pre-contest cycles.[/quote]
i just finished test e and eq before i started this one but wont be touching eq anymore its shit
where is the limit of total aas per week someone can use without hgh…well im saying for example…1000mg of test per week without hgh gives more benefites than sides from 750mg?..
p.s. i currently run 750mg sustanon-600mg tren E…and im thinking if would worth it pump up test at 1000gr or tren 800mg(not both)…but i have read that many aas without hgh isnt worth it?