31yr Old - Need TRT Advice

Alright I just got back the results from my blood test. They are listed below. My dosage is the following:

  • 200mg of test e (separated in doses ED)
  • 250iu hCG SC EOD
  • 0.5mg of Liquidex EOD
  • Vitamin D ED
  • Fish Oil ED
  • Kelp for Iodine ED
  • Flax Seed Oil in Shakes
  • Coconut Oil for Cooking

I have been feeling great, confident and making increases in the gym. I have been able to loose some weight also finally. I went from 218lbs to 205lbs while increasing muscle. I have been taking temperatures and they are around 97.7-98 throughout the day. Please provide feedback and let me know if any dosages should be changed. I did scale back the Liquidex to 0.25 EOD once the results came back. I ditched the TRT doc and get my own meds from a reliable source now. My buddy who’s a doc does the bloodwork for me.

Latest results 7/21 taken in the morning fasted.

T4: 1.77 (0.82-1.77)

CHOLESTEROL: 155 (100-199)

DHEA SULFATE: 315 (160-449)
ESTRADIOL: 22 (7.6-42.6)
TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL: 1381 (348-1197)
FREE TESTOSTERONE: >50 (8.7-25.1)
LH: 0.1 (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 0.1 (1.5-12.4)
INSULIN: 6.4 (2.6-24.9)
TSH: 2.350 (0.450-4.5)
IGF-1, LC/MS: 296 (71-241)
IGF-2: 455

No need to ever test LH/FSH again, will always be zero as expected.

I have no idea why you reduced AI when your E2 was on target. With 200mg T/week we expect that one may need 2mg anastrozole per week. You were on target taking 1.75mg/week, expected situation for a normal responder.

Cholesterol improved, you need to do more of whatever you did to improve it from 124.

HDL is too low.

To increase HDL:

  • CoQ10, the ubiquinol type is better, 50mg
  • high potency B complex multi vitamin and trace minerals, including iodine [typically 150 mcg]
  • vitamin E
  • vit-D3
  • DHEA
  • vitamin C and other antioxidants
  • fish oil and other EFA’s [nuts, flax seed or flax seed oil]

T4 is very odd/high, but it rather a weak indicator at best.
TSH is up, not sure what that means. IW?
What is the amount of iodine in the kelp?

Suggest that you use the prior AI dose, try to get more cholesterol and HDL, keep watching body temps.
Thyroid needs more investigation and temperature monitoring.
Do not do thyroid labs after doc palpates your thyroid, can drive higher numbers.

I’ll stick to 1.75mg/wk.

I was eating more red meat, fish, full eggs, 2 tbsp of flax seed and just started cooking everything in coconut oil.

iodine dose (1 pill per day) = 225mcg dose

What more should I do to investigate thyroid?

Can I increase test e for a blast cycle?

Here’s the latest results:
Results from test taken on 10/31/13 fasted

T4: 1.76 (0.82-1.77)

CHOLESTEROL: 143 (100-199)

DHEA SULFATE: 291.1 (160-449)
ESTRADIOL: 23.8 (7.6-42.6)
TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL: 977 (348-1197)
FREE TESTOSTERONE: 43.8 (8.7-25.1)
INSULIN: 6.4 (2.6-24.9)
TSH: 1.350 (0.450-4.5)
IGF-1, LC/MS: 280 (71-241)
IGF-2: 514

I scaled back the test-e to about 150-170mg split into 3 days. I’m happy where its at; I think the previous results were too high.

I still can’t get HDL to go up I’ve been taking all the vitamins that were recommended. I’ve added healthy saturated fats to my diet so I’m not sure why its not moving up. Other then that, I have been doing good, weight is gradually coming down i have lost 18lbs so far without really doing any cardio. I have been lifting heavy and eating whole foods and avoiding any rice/bread.

I do feel tired a lot or lack of energy at times; I wake up tired even if i sleep 8-9hrs. I have sleep apnea since 2011 and I use the CPAP machine and its just not doing it for me. I used to wake up fine before so I don’t know what to do about that.

Let me know what you think.
