300mg Per Week First Cycle

You will likely get more E2 conversion with less frequent injections. It can be a significant difference too.

Once a week will work, it is just not optimal. Twice a week gets you a big gain in being closer to optimal, and is worth it for basically everybody IMO. After that IMO more frequent shots is a trade off on inconvenience to being optimal, and comes down to the individual.

I currently pin MWF, but am considering going to EOD from my TRT cruise. I pin delts, and it is a low volume when you frequently pin, so the PIP is not too bad. I use 1/2 29 gauge slin pins for this. They slip through the skin and into the muscle. It does occasionally hurt though not going to lie.

So if I understand your original post, concentration of your test is 300 mg/mL. Most of use either 200 mg/ml or 250 mg/ml. In order for the test to be soluble in that concentration, the source has to use a lot of benzyl alcohol which is the main source of the PIP.

A lower concentration will result in less PIP. Not the total dosage per week.


Its the high concentration gear. Ethyl oleate is used as a solvent to keep the high concentration of steroid per ml in solution. Some people donā€™t react well to it, and they will get massive PIP.

Stick to normal concentration gear, but be aware that some underground labs use EO even with lower concentration gear. If a vial states EO is used, avoid it. No all manufacturers list the oils and solvents they use on the label.

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Iā€™m doing exactly same thing started last week two injections of test e so far 150mg - 0.5ml a time into glutes.

My pip has been pretty bad feel like Iā€™ve been kneed in the glute or Iā€™ve had a savage leg sesh. Hopefully this is just newbie soreness and will get better.

Donā€™t sleep very well day of injection probs because of soreness.

Hadnā€™t planned on using ai on low dose but started getting itchy nips but dont know if placebo so soon after starting?

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Itchy nipples dont necessarily mean gyno. Sometimes the introduction of Test can cause this. You need to be sensitive to actual small lumps forming under your nipples

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Take a low dose 10mg of tamoxifen just in case or see how it goes?

Iā€™m on 8th day or soreness if it makes you feel better. Itā€™s pretty much gone to be honest but slightly still there. Gonna ditch the high blends and get on smaller doses of basic cyp

Wait until you have lumps. If you feel a hard mass forming then use tamoxifen.

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Iā€™m coming off this and will be re-trying in a few months. All about trial and error I guess and what works!!

Will I need a PCT for one shot of 300mg enth and for 3 weeks prior to this I was using 20mg a day Ostarine?? Any recommendations??

if/when u come off ā€¦no if you only pinned once you will not need a pct , secondly ā€¦you say your source etc is knowledgeable , from what iā€™ve read from you he isnā€™t at all .

pin 100mgs / 100mgs / 100mgs with a 28 guage half inch needle in your upper portion of your delts (google and youtube where to pin) monday 5pm / thrsday 5am / saturday 5am . yes the other guys are correct its a little higher concentartion but 300 test e shouldnt be killing you if you did your reasearch and knew to pin 2-3 or more times a week . Oh and drop the sarms theyā€™re worthless !!

also dont draw and pin with same needle , some do yes but the difference is night and day with how smooth a brand new needle enters the skin and muscle . look up backfilling insulin needles

good luck

try breaking up into small shots.

Try using a 29g 1/2 needle, 0.25 mil EOD. these might be easier to handle.

also, like mentioned above, high BA content, possibly a reaction to the oil too?
I know I always get PIP from mygol oil. GSO im g2g.