Looking at 8 weeks of active enth (possibly front load first week) and bridging that to pct with some stanazol. Going to run the peptides whole way through cycle shot before brekky and after training. Hoping for a 5 plate dead and 3 plate bench at the end of cycle, making it to 95kg lean.
Any critique or questions would be appreciated. So fire away please.
Looking at 8 weeks of active enth (possibly front load first week) and bridging that to pct with some stanazol. Going to run the peptides whole way through cycle shot before brekky and after training. Hoping for a 5 plate dead and 3 plate bench at the end of cycle, making it to 95kg lean.
Def. need to front load it only running it 6 weeks…test prop would have been a better choice for shorter cycles but I’m guessing this is all you had access to.
Also peptides 3x a day would be optimal IMO but I know it can be a hassle especially if you have a life and can’t tote peptides and pins around with you where ever you go.
Any critique or questions would be appreciated. So fire away please.[/quote]
Yeah mate, I know prop probly would of been better due to shorter half life etc, but with my schedule annd whats available to me it was not practicle, also, same with 3/d peptides, i work 13 hour day’s, so it’s before/after work shots.