24 Year Old Guy, Low T

@KSMan, just wanted to update.

Two years on, my levels seem to have tanked again, which my doc says is not unheard of, especially after taking Wellbutrin, which I started doing. I’m back on Clomid 25mg/day but I do not IMMEDIATELY feel GREAT like I did last time. Is this to be expected?

I also say they “seem to have tanked again” because bloods will be back on Monday morning. Symptoms are all identical to last time, except worse. I just wanted to check in the interim to make sure my shit isn’t permanently ruined. Ha!

I had been getting regular blood work every 3-6 months and there was little to no variation from normal ranges mentioned earlier in this thread (T levels at approx 800 in the morning, fasted) until about three months ago when I started feeling horrible, and also my insurance ran out and I lost my job so I don’t have a blood test from that point. Like I said, just want to know if my delayed response to Clomid is normal, especially while pushing Wellbutrin out of my system. Starting Wellbutrin seems to be the catalyst here, as that made everything MUCH worse about a month and a half ago, and my doc said that could absolutely have an effect.

Anyway, yeah, just checking in.

Thanks again.