Hey guys, I’d really appreciate it if you took a look at my labs and gave some pointers. I’m thankfully healthy at the moment and don’t have any (serious) symptoms. I am trying to optimize my system.
I recently went through a rough batch caused by overtraining and undereating and a heavy flu (maybe caused by the other two). This led to a generalized lack of motivation. It’'s been getting better and better since I started eating normally again and training smartly. I learned my lesson and now I’m trying to do all I can to improve my endocrine system. Thank you for your attention. I have read and re-read the stickies and will try to be as compliant with the specified format as I can. I have also made some research of my own and read a lot of the threads here.
General Description
-age: 24
-height: 5ft 10in
-waist: 34in
-weight: 170lb
-describe body and facial hair: patchy on face, getting better. Moderate hair on chest, legs and armpits. No hair on arms.
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: mostly in my lower back and lower stomach, some on chest.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]: no chronic conditions so far.
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: none
-describe diet: three meals a day, protein and rice in each, fruit in two of them, veggies in two of them.
-describe training: three days of strength training, two days of conditioning, two days of.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?: no
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: no change. I get erections most mornings.
-supplements I take: Flameout EFA’s, Vit D3 (8000ui/day)
-history of Iodine intake: lifetime consumption of iodized salt (50-100ppm of iodine), no other supplements containing iodine.
Labs: Result Unit (Range)
TSH: 3.16 uUI/ml (0.27-4.2)
FT4: 1.48 ng/dl (0.9-1.7)
FT3: 2.9 pg/ml (1.8-4.6)
TT: 534.3 ng/dl (218-906)
FT: 15.1 pg/ml (8.8-27)
LH: 3.0 mU/ml (1.7-8.6)
FSH: 2.2 mU/ml (1.5-12.4)
E2: 29.75 pg/ml (7.63-42.6)
Prolactin: 13.35 ng/ml ((4.04-15.2)
PSA: 0.361 ng/ml (0.0-2.5)
Cortisol AM (8AM): 20.01 ug/dl (6.2-19.4)
DHEA-S: 330.4 ug/dl (211-492)
Vit D, 25-OH Total: 65.3ng/ml (30-100)
Hematocrit: 43.9 % (45-54)
AST 28 U/L (0-40)
ALT 29 U/L (0-41)
Fasted Glucose: 81 mg/dl (70-110)
Day 1: AM 96.6, PM 98.2
Day 2: AM 96.8, PM 97.3
Day 3: AM 97.2, PM 98.4
My FT3 and FT4 levels seem to be OK but TSH is quite high (especially considering the new recommendation to lower the upper limit to 3 and the ideal being close to 1) and temperatures are low. Is this pattern suggestive of an Iodine Deficiency? I tested my mother and her temperatures seem to be low too, even though she takes T4. Am I a good candidate for IR?
TT and FT are middle range, so I guess I’m not Mr T (pun intended) but they aren’t low either and my sex drive is fine. LH and FSH are on the low side however. It may be that my testicles are very sensitive to the LH/FSH signal (given that T isn’t low) or that, given that both hormones are emitted in pulses, that the lab caught me in a low point, although it is said that FSH is more stable. Or it could be both. My scrotum is not constricted.
E2 is not out of range but it’s on the higher end and it seem to be a little high for my T levels. Same goes for Prolactin. This seems a bit odd since high Prolactin seems to be related to long refractory periods and mine aren’t really long (15-30 mins). Could these hormones be giving negative feedback to the pituitary thus explaining the low LH/FSH?
Cortisol seems high. I was not able to have the four sample saliva test done, since no lab in my country is doing it. I have read that high cortisol can inhibit the HPTA too. High cortisol would also explain (in part) my fat distribution patter (mostly lower back and lower stomach).
I thank you all for any insight you can give.