Does anyone have any thoughts on the prolactinoma diagnosis? I need to see a nuero to confirm and decide on treatment. I am a bit perplexed as to how this effects my TRT plan.
If the prolactinoma was causing secondary hypogonadism, this implies that treating the tumor with e.g. cabergoline could restore my normal testosterone function. Before I started treatment my FSH was 1.8 iu/L(1.5-12.4), LH was 3.8 iu/L (1.2-8.6) and Prolactin was 16.8 ng/mL (4.0-15.2)… Resulting in CFT of 8.26 NG/DL (9-30). I am enjoying the effects of the T but should I consider getting off TRT if I get my prolactin down? Is it even possible to stop TRT now? Was I too hasty in starting TRT with numbers like this? My understanding was that the prolactin was not that high, but high prolactin can suppress LH.