Your low iron and ferritin are a problem. Do you have digestive problems or food allergies/sensitivities? Strange diet?
Your cortisol was high. Were you a bit panicky about the blood work?
I am thinking that you problem was progressive and not caused by the Anodrol. One can always have some doubt about what one really took.
Many young men show up here with these issues, so you can find others and their stories.
You have to do a lot of reading where you may see some connections.
Follow these links found here: About the T Replacement Category - #2 by KSman
- vice for new guys - need more info about you
- things that damage your hormones
Your FSH suggests that your testes may be the problem and a HPTA restart would not then solve the problem. Have you had your testes examined? Any aching there?
fat patterns and how changed
athletic abilities
waist size
TSH should be nearer to 1.0. Ignore the lab ranges, they are not helpful.
Have you been using iodized salt? - history
Do you get cold easily?
How much is stress a factor in your life. That also includes accidents, illnesses and surgeries.
There are many symptoms of low-T and low thyroid function that are the same and you may have the combo of both.
Labs, you have some now.
LH and FSH
prolactin !!!
fasting cholesterol
fasting glucose
AM cortisol [at 8AM]
Vit-D25 - or take 5000, 6000iu Vit-D3
Occult blood test to look for blood cells in your poop. !!!