20 YO Who's Tired All The Time (With Labs)

ItOwesMeALiving, during he IRT did you at any time have a metalic taste in your mouth (morning) or sneezing? After several days of my IRT I felt worse than before starting. If so you coul be eliminating bromide from your body.

[quote]dprio wrote:
ItOwesMeALiving, during he IRT did you at any time have a metalic taste in your mouth (morning) or sneezing? After several days of my IRT I felt worse than before starting. If so you coul be eliminating bromide from your body. [/quote]

Not at all man. I honestly didn’t notice much of a difference during the IR. Seemed like body temps went up a little. I started with very low dosages and progressed up to the 50 mg

It did ruin my digestion though, as promised. I went up 2 belt sizes in three weeks. Was bloated all the time. Looked funny. Pro-biotics and betaine hcl worked wonders after.

[quote]KSman wrote:
Your iodine should be good, so go with a maintenance dose.

Iron can be hard to work out, I suggested ferritin lab. Your hematocrit is lowish. Memo is not high. See my comments from before.

Adrenal fatigue. If one does a trial of cortisol and that feels a lot better, that provides some interesting conclusions. If you have AF, then rT3 might be blocking fT3 and affecting body temps. [/quote]

Okay. The link you posted worried me. Will get ferritin labs.

Should I wait for labs before trying to get my hands on cortisol?

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Hey Everyone,

Just got blood work.

Some interesting things. Despite quadrupling my already high cholesterol intake, my total cholesterol has only increased by 10 points.

Test levels went up.

Concerned about the TSH, platelets, and prolactin.

Going to keep looking into the ideal ranges. I’ve become familiar with preferred ranges for some things but there is still very much to learn.


IGF-1 indicates that GH status is OK.

E2=8 is too low and would make any guy feel like crap. Any idea why its low? Does not make sense that SHBG would be 32. Would expect lower. This is a problem!!! Very strange outcome.

Ferritin is good.

Blood sugar seems well controlled.

rT3 could be lower, not near the higher end if the range.

[quote]iw84aces wrote:

Whats up man

[quote]KSman wrote:
IGF-1 indicates that GH status is OK.

E2=8 is too low and would make any guy feel like crap. Any idea why its low? Does not make sense that SHBG would be 32. Would expect lower. This is a problem!!! Very strange outcome.

Ferritin is good.

Blood sugar seems well controlled.

rT3 could be lower, not near the higher end if the range.


Hey, might have reported you on accident. Typed a reply but it hasn’t showed up yet. Sorry about that haha. Your a good dude.

So, good news on the GH. Sort of unexpected.

The estrogen is also unexpected. I took DIM for a couple of weeks two months ago. The saliva test I took showed I had low estrogen and that was before taking DIM. I eat a lot of veggies? Other than that I have no idea. I always assumed my estrogen was high. Pharmacist seemed confused about that to.

Is my LH/fsh okay? I can’t find optimal ranges for this.

Seems like I still have to much iron in my blood. According to that link you posted.

Isn’t my TSH level something to be worried about? Or do you think it is a lab error. Looks like my thyroid is fucked. Also, I have those thyroid problem eyebrows. Thinning on the outside. I thought it was just how my eyebrows looked. I kinda have buggy eyes to.

Isn’t prolactin high as well? My eyesight varies so much from day to day. Today its awful. Other days its perfect.

The blood platlet thing seems bad,

CHolesterol went up 10 points. Can this be considered progress or just a slight variation from day to day and labs?

Same thing with my test results. is this progress? These labs were done about 30 minutes earlier in the morning that the other ones.

Also, this seems important. When I was 10-11 I was wrestling with a friend. I accidentally smacked my temple on the marble flooring. Really hard. Felt the temple really get smooshed in there. I experienced intense vertigo for the next month and then randomly for the following couple of years. Hasn’t happened in over 7 years. Didn’t see a doctor about it or anything. Again, broke kid.

You saying something is a problem worries me. What is plan of attack?

What do I do from here on?

Check E2 again at some point. Stop DIM.

Eye sight: Where is your natural focus? If past infinity, you are focusing all of the time and if eyes are tired, then things are fuzzy.

A MRI is very costly for someone. That can detect a prolactin secreting adinoma. But if prolactin levels are marginal, then might not be detectable size even if there. You could experiment with google “research chemical cabergoline” 0.5mg per week in divided doses. That will lower prolactin. If prolactin has been lowering your dopamine, you might be feeling a bit depressed, reduced ability to enjoy things. Lower prolactin can increase/restore dopamine. Prolactin and dopamine have a sort of seesaw balance; one affects the other. Yes, the blow to the head might have had an adverse effect, at least that is what your GF told me ;}

Most adinoma created visual field disturbances are like reduced peripheral vision width; not refractive such as not focusing. The problem here is that a doc will not order a MRI unless there is some clear indications of a problem THAT the doc actually understands.

  • Suggest that you tackle adrenal fatigue issues with stress reduction, avoid stimulants etc. Avoid people who stress you out.

  • Stop DIM, retest E2 in a while

lef.org labs on sale now if needed, membership is cost effective.

[quote]KSman wrote:
Check E2 again at some point. Stop DIM.

Eye sight: Where is your natural focus? If past infinity, you are focusing all of the time and if eyes are tired, then things are fuzzy.

A MRI is very costly for someone. That can detect a prolactin secreting adinoma. But if prolactin levels are marginal, then might not be detectable size even if there. You could experiment with google “research chemical cabergoline” 0.5mg per week in divided doses. That will lower prolactin. If prolactin has been lowering your dopamine, you might be feeling a bit depressed, reduced ability to enjoy things. Lower prolactin can increase/restore dopamine. Prolactin and dopamine have a sort of seesaw balance; one affects the other. Yes, the blow to the head might have had an adverse effect, at least that is what your GF told me ;}

Most adinoma created visual field disturbances are like reduced peripheral vision width; not refractive such as not focusing. The problem here is that a doc will not order a MRI unless there is some clear indications of a problem THAT the doc actually understands.

  • Suggest that you tackle adrenal fatigue issues with stress reduction, avoid stimulants etc. Avoid people who stress you out.

  • Stop DIM, retest E2 in a while

lef.org labs on sale now if needed, membership is cost effective.


I only took DIM for a couple of weeks. And that was months ago. Should I try some boron supplements? Will retest when I can.

Yeah I get depressed a lot. I’ll look into cabergoline.

I don’t feel like my peripheral vision is very good. Seems like I have tunnel vision sometimes. Other days things seem “wider”

What about the TSH level? It seems way to high.

Current supplement routine. Started this after giving the bloodwork. I was already taking a few things, like the vit d. Which would explain my healthy levels. The gladual stuff is new. Might add some boron and other supps to increase estrogen.

8:00 am empty stomach

Raw thyroid - 3 caps
Raw Adrenal - 2 caps
Hypothalamus - 1 cap


vit c - 3,000.00 mg
Pantothenic acid - 1,000.00 mg
Betaine HCL - 600.00 mg
Inositol - 1,000.00 mg
Vit D - 20,000 mg
Vitamin E Mixed Tocopherols - 800.00 ui
Multi Dophilus 720.00 mg
Ashwagandha - 900.00 mg
Licorice - 900.00 mg
Fish oil - 3 caps
Now Liquid B-complex - 2 drop fulls


vit c - 3,000.00 mg
Pantothenic acid - 500.00 mg
Betaine HCL - 000.00 mg
Inositol - 500.00 mg
Vit D - 20,000 mg
Vitamin E Mixed Tocopherols - 400.00 ui
Multi Dophilus 3600.00 mg
Ashwagandha - 450.00 mg
Licorice - 450.00 mg
Fish oil - 3 caps

11:00 pm

Fish oil - 3 caps
Calcium - 500 mg alternting days with magnesium
Magnesium - 600 mg
zinc - 50.00 mg
NOW Full Spectrum Minerals - 6 caps
Brewed Green tea/Licorice tea/Holy Basil

So just to recap, this is what’s wrong with my bloodwork and how I’m trying to fix it… i think.

Low Cholesterol - Eating stupid amounts of cholesterol and taking digestive supps. May start taking some liver health supps.
Low Estrogen - may start boron and nettle root.
Low Platlets - Don’t know. Maybe its not important.
Lowish test - Hoping fixing cholesterol and estrogen will help this
High TSH - No idea. Very worried.
High rT3 - Adrenal fatigue treatment
High SHGB? - No idea. Confused by what KSman said
Slightly high prolactin - Will try to get cabergoline.

KSman, aren’t my TSH levels worrying? You didn’t mention it but everything I see on here says that the level is to high.

Idk, still kinda lost here.

I do have good days now. Last Friday I felt great! Confident, social, no anxiety. It fluctuated throughout the day and somehow I was still tired but it was pretty nice. I wish I felt like that every day.

Edit - Is cabergoline legal to buy online? I found a few places but im not sure if its a good idea

Edit Edit - Okay seems like it is. Doesn’t seem to risky.

Hey KSman,

Do you think my estrogen and cholesterol levels could be a sign of poor liver function?

The only liver test that came back funny was the alkaline phosphate. It seems very low. Both times. I read that it can be lowered by thyroid issues.

Is it possible my thyroid could be effecting my liver, which is effecting my estrogen and cholesterol levels?

Or adrenal issues/fatigue causing thyroid problems, which are causing livers issues, which explain the estrogen and cholesterol levels?

Im reaching here man. Brosciencing it up.

Of course, still curious about the TSH level.

Anyway, I’m going to get some milk thistle and estrogen supps. Maybe vitex.

TSH: see my 2/27 post. What new with body temps and other changes from iodine?

Thyroid affects every cell and organ. You are reaching too far.

[quote]KSman wrote:
TSH: see my 2/27 post. What new with body temps and other changes from iodine?

Thyroid affects every cell and organ. You are reaching too far.


Body temps are pretty consistent. Morning around 97.4. Then by 4-6 o’clock they reach 98.6-98.8. Then after about 9 they start going down. The extra calories probably helped too. I was long overdue for a re-feed. From what I can tell this is normal, right?

But I’m concerned about the new TSH lab. TSH = 3.910. It went up from the original 2.130

Edit -

BTW - I ordered the stop the thyroid madness booh. Looking forward to it.