If you have any experience with EDT please answer this.
I understand the 20/5 rule for EDT, when your doing it by the book.
Basically if your using your 10rm doing sets of 5 starting and going for 15 minutes, you’ll probably get 40 reps or so for your first PR. Then when you increase the reps by 20% (48) you’d up the weight 5%.
Im basically following the same template, but changed things a little bit to suit my individual needs.
For starters, im probably using my 4rm. I started with about 85% 1rm. The first workout i did all singles, and was able to cram 15 in 15 minutes. It was hard time wise, but i was not very fatigued. The next workout i went to sets of 2, and was able to get 9 sets so 18 reps.
Now according to the 20/5 rule, i should now raise the weight 5%, but im not really sure if im ready. I was thinking of next time, starting with sets of 3, doing as many as i can, and then possible sets of 4 after that. My goal would be to reach 25-30 reps in 15 minutes, which would be 100% more than the first time.
Any experience with this guys. Im using EDT to raise my work capacity with “heavy” weights, but alternate it with conventional strength training as well.