Hey, thanks for asking me to take a look. You come across very thoughtful and reasonable as putting this information into a video requires one to think about a number of factors when giving out such advice. That’s also why I am sort of a fool for trying to debate matters of science on a forum like this where it’s easy to type without thinking.
Some thoughts:
Your suggestion on keeping a log and the discipline required to detail how one feels as they change their protocol is great.
Agree with the no AI advice for majority (especially in the context of TRT and using minimum effective dose.
I appreciate you sharing your experience that a lot of men do well at 25-30 ng/dL free T (as indexed on an accurate equilibrium dialysis range). I am assuming you are referring to trough here on a 2x weekly dosing frequency. Here you could have mentioned not all free T is created equal and the differences between direct RIA free T vs equilibrium dialysis free T vs calculated free T. That’s why I didn’t appreciate your blanket statement on my other thread that none of these details matter. What do you tell a guy who has direct free T results that are a factor of 7 difference on the direct RIA range vs the equilibrium dialysis range? He has no idea what to do with your 25-30 free T suggestion. It ain’t as SIMPLE as you like to claim on here. Almost no one understands units. If he’s dialed in and his provider does all this for him, he wouldn’t be on this forum or watching your videos.
Also, as soon as you throw out a number, human nature being what it is, some will shoot for that number whether that number applies or not.
As you gain more experience with doing this coaching for pay, you’ll have to bake in additional margin of safety for significant fraction who will have side effects at 25-30 ng/dL free T (trough). Homework question: If I fix free T at 25 or 30 ng/dL, then scan the range of SHBG from 10 - 60 nmol/L, what do you think the plot of TT vs SHBG looks like? What will some of these guys be running from TT standpoint (at trough)? Does it matter? It’s a sobering plot and why I predict your recommended starting dose per week will come down as you encounter more and more men.
Also, please understand where 25-30 ng/dL free T (trough) resides on the spectrum of human physiology. It’s quite high. Hence, my prediction your recommended starting dosage will decrease a little more over time as you meet guys that clear testosterone at very different rates.
I appreciate your time Danny and believe your heart is in the right place. I will minimize any further debate with you and you can take my constructive feedback for what it is worth. That will free up some of your time for your to help more people and stop wasting your time arguing with me. You aren’t a trained scientist or doctor and I shouldn’t expect you to understand all of the details I throw out. Make sure you continue to surround yourself with the right people you can leverage when these details are needed.
PS: I recommend you quit trying to reflexively demonstrate how CERTAIN you are all the time. And please as a family man don’t bet on stuff like human physiology. Better not to bet at all.
On the other side, I’ll go work on improving myself.
Take care and best wishes,
Internet random readalot